Welcome to Story Voyager, your climate fiction newsletter!

Hi, I’m Claudia 👋, the author of Story Voyager, an 'intelligent, almost spiritual' climate fiction newsletter for all sci-fi and climate-interested readers. Find gripping dystopian yet hopeful short stories and cli-fi series with charismatic female protagonists and a diverse cast that aim to change the narrative about the future of humankind.

Good stories here that are contrary to the ordinary. They will change your mind.

— Henry Mitchell of Dovers Gap

Story Voyager has been a Substack featured publication, a Lunar Awards winner for science fiction, and appears on Feedspot’s top 15 cli-fi blogs. Join a vibrant sci-fi community of over 2,000 readers.

An intelligent, almost spiritual, treatment of the nascent climate fiction subgenre.

— Johnathan Reid of ReidItWrite

Free Fiction Forever

I grew up reading science fiction, Claudia’s work is the first fiction on Substack that has seriously attracted me. I'm hoping to read more conceptualizations of a future where AI and environmental conditions play significant roles with charismatic characters.

— Michael Spencer of AI Supremacy

Free subscribers get

  • Climate fiction short stories (monthly)

  • Cli-fi book reviews & recs. (monthly)

  • Exclusive cli-fi story series (seasonal)

  • Curated cli-fi reading lists (annual)

  • A pop-up book club*

    *The pop-up book club is a special event in which we read and discuss a book together. Last year we read Dune by Frank Herbert. This year we’ll read The Ministry for the Future by Kim Stanley Robinson.

Paid subscribers get

  • There Is Hope as an eBook (in 2025)

  • Become a patron of imagination*

    *For only $5/month or $30/year, you can become a patron of imagination and support this fiction project. The funds will go toward publishing my first book, There Is Hope.

Creative, fun, thought provoking.

— Alexander Semenyuk of Lighthouse

Where should I start?

Start your journey here for an overview of everything I’ve written so far. Or dive in with my top three cli-fi stories:

  • Illegal* - Cli-fi, biopunk, thriller

    *This story won the Lunar Award 🥇 for science fiction

Are you looking for a good book to read? Take your pick from my curated bookshelf:

Haunting, compelling ideas and beautiful writing.

— Stephen P. Williams of Everlands

About me

I’m an award winning poet, fiction writer and screenwriter with an MA Writing for Script & Screen from the Falmouth University in the UK. Currently, I work as a product manager in a climate tech start-up in the renewable energy sector. In my free time, I write fiction and practice tea ceremony. I live with my husband in Vienna, Austria.


All the fiction on Story Voyager is 100% human written from concept to outline to finished story. No AI was involved at any stage of the creation process!

Thanks for reading and I hope to meet you soon in the comments section!


Subscribe to Story Voyager

An 'intelligent, almost spiritual' fiction newsletter for all sci-fi and climate-interested readers. Find gripping dystopian yet hopeful cli-fi stories and series from prize-winning writer Claudia Befu.


A tea-fueled climate fiction writer. Born at 340 ppm.