A dystopian world as the prequel to a utopian world
An introduction to the secondary world of my upcoming book

The creation
The short story collection ‘There Is Hope’, is placed in a dystopian world ravaged by climate change and a data war fought by technology giants. Originally, it was a backstory for the utopian futuristic world in which ‘The Deep Dive’, my first science fiction story idea, takes place.
In the world of ‘The Deep Dive’, there is a new social order where power is decentralized and local communities self-govern and coordinate decisions amongst each other with the help of technology.
The main goal of this society is to maintain the recovered biodiversity of planet Earth and use technology to preserve nature in a paradisiac state.
The main antagonists in ‘The Deep Dive’ are the Seven Houses, descendants of the Data Moguls who donated their technology and fortunes to benefit society.
As Orwell wrote, ‘all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others’, and the Data Moguls were careful not to renounce all their privileges.
In the utopian society of ‘The Deep Dive’, every citizen of Earth has equal rights and material possessions except for the Seven Houses. They are assigned a higher quota of material possessions. However, they cannot exercise any social or political power.
The inspiration
When I started creating my story world, I knew it would have fantastical elements. But I needed to base those fantastical elements on natural science.
The real world is more magical, unexpected and mysterious than anything that even the most fertile imagination can concoct.